
Questions and Answers on the Life Changer JAMB Novel

Questions and Answers on the Life Changer JAMB Novel ,Questions and Answers on the Life Changer JAMB Novel ,Questions and Answers on the Life Changer JAMB Novel
Questions and Answers on the Life Changer JAMB Novel ,Questions and Answers on the Life Changer JAMB Novel ,Questions and Answers on the Life Changer JAMB Novel 
Questions and Answers on the Life Changer JAMB Novel,Questions and Answers on the Life Changer JAMB Novel Questions and Answers on the Life Changer JAMB Novel

By UTMEOfficial
January 25, 2025/2026

Are you preparing for the JAMB UTME exam and looking for a comprehensive guide on the recommended novel, The Life Changer by Khadija Abubakar Jalli? If yes, then you are in the right place. In this blog post, I will provide you with some questions and answers on the Life Changer JAMB novel, as well as a summary and some frequently asked questions and answers.

What is the Life Changer JAMB Novel?

The Life Changer is a novel written by Khadija Abubakar Jalli, a Nigerian author and lecturer. It was published in 2017 and selected by the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) as the compulsory novel for the Use of English paper in the 2025/2026/2025/2026 UTME exam.

The novel tells the story of Ummi, a married woman and a mother of four children, who decides to go back to school and pursue a degree in education. Through her experiences and interactions with her family, friends, and lecturers, the novel explores various themes such as family, education, corruption, morality, love, and culture.

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The novel has nine chapters and is written in simple and engaging language. It also incorporates some words and phrases from Hausa, French, and Arabic languages, which reflect the diversity and richness of the Nigerian culture.

Summary of the Life Changer JAMB Novel

Here is a brief summary of each chapter of the novel:

  • Chapter 1: The chapter introduces the main characters of the novel: Ummi, her husband, and their four children: Omar, Teemah, Jamila, and Bint. Omar, the eldest and only son, has just gained admission to study law at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. He is excited and proud of his achievement and asks his sisters to call him “My Learned Brother”. Bint, the youngest and most inquisitive child, narrates her encounter with her social studies teacher, who tried to quiz her on French but failed to answer her questions. Ummi, who is fond of eavesdropping on her children’s conversations, joins them and shares her own story of how she met her husband at the university.
  • Chapter 2: The chapter continues with Ummi’s flashback of her university days. She recalls how she arrived at the campus with her friend, Salma, and registered for her courses. She also remembers how she met her husband, who was then a final year accounting student and a campus leader. He helped her with her registration and offered to be her guide and mentor. Ummi was impressed by his intelligence, charisma, and generosity, and soon developed feelings for him.
  • Chapter 3: The chapter focuses on Ummi’s first day of lectures. She attends a general studies class, where she meets Dr. Samuel Johnson, a young and handsome lecturer who teaches communication skills. Dr. Johnson is friendly and humorous, and engages the students with his lively and interactive teaching style. He also notices Ummi and compliments her on her beauty and intelligence. Ummi feels flattered but also uneasy, as she senses that Dr. Johnson has a hidden agenda.
  • Chapter 4: The chapter reveals Dr. Johnson’s true intentions. He invites Ummi to his office and tries to seduce her. He tells her that he can help her with her grades and career, and that he has fallen in love with her. He also lies to her that he is single and lonely, and that he needs her companionship. Ummi is shocked and disgusted by his advances, and rejects him firmly. She tells him that she is already in a relationship with her husband, and that she is not interested in him. She also warns him to stay away from her and respect her dignity.
  • Chapter 5: The chapter shows the consequences of Ummi’s refusal of Dr. Johnson. He becomes angry and vengeful, and decides to make her life miserable. He marks her scripts unfairly, gives her low grades, and humiliates her in class. He also spreads false rumors about her, accusing her of being proud, arrogant, and immoral. He tries to turn the other lecturers and students against her, and even threatens to fail her if she does not submit to him. Ummi is hurt and frustrated by his actions, but she does not give up. She confides in her husband, who advises her to be strong and patient, and to report the matter to the authorities.
  • Chapter 6: The chapter narrates how Ummi finally gets justice. She writes a letter to the dean of the faculty, detailing her ordeal with Dr. Johnson. She also attaches evidence of his harassment, such as his phone calls, text messages, and notes. The dean is shocked and outraged by her complaint, and summons Dr. Johnson for a disciplinary hearing. Dr. Johnson is found guilty of sexual harassment, and is dismissed from the university. Ummi is vindicated and relieved, and thanks her husband for his support and love.
  • Chapter 7: The chapter shifts the focus back to the present day. UmmWe has finished her story, and her children are amazed and inspired by her courage and resilience. They also learn some valuable lessons from her experience, such as the importance of education, integrity, and self-respect. Ummi then tells them that she has a surprise for them. She reveals that she has enrolled for a master’s degree in education, and that she will be resuming classes soon. Her children are happy and proud of her, and congratulate her on her decision.
  • Chapter 8: The chapter describes Ummi’s first day of her master’s program. She arrives at the university with her husband, who drops her off and wishes her good luck. She meets her course mates, who are mostly young and fresh graduates. She feels a bit out of place and nervous, but she also enjoys the challenge and the opportunity to learn new things. She attends a class on educational psychology, where she meets Dr. Musa, a friendly and knowledgeable lecturer who teaches with passion and enthusiasm. He also recognizes Ummi as a former student of his, and welcomes her warmly.
  • Chapter 9: The chapter concludes the novel with a happy ending. Ummi completes her master’s degree with flying colors, and graduates with a distinction. She is also offered a lecturing job at the university, which she accepts with gratitude. She becomes a role model and a mentor for many students, especially girls and women, who look up to her for her achievements and contributions. She also maintains a happy and harmonious relationship with her husband and children, who are all doing well in their respective fields. Ummi is fulfilled and contented, and thanks God for his blessings and guidance.

Questions and Answers on the Life Changer JAMB Novel

Here are some possible questions and answers on the Life Changer JAMB novel, based on each chapter:

  • Chapter 1:
    • Q: Who is the author of the novel?
    • A: Khadija Abubakar Jalli.
    • Q: How many children does UmmWe have?
    • A: Four.
    • Q: What is the name of Ummi’s youngest child?
    • A: Bint.
    • Q: What course did Omar gain admission to study?
    • A: Law.
    • Q: What language did Bint’s social studies teacher try to quiz her on?
    • A: French.
  • Chapter 2:
    • Q: What is the name of Ummi’s friend who accompanied her to the university?
    • A: Salma.
    • Q: What course did Ummi register for?
    • A: Education.
    • Q: What course did Ummi’s husband study?
    • A: Accounting.
    • Q: How did Ummi meet her husband?
    • A: He helped her with her registration and offered to be her guide and mentor.
    • Q: What did Ummi’s husband ask her to call him?
    • A: Mallam.
  • Chapter 3:
    • Q: What is the name of the lecturer who taught Ummi communication skills?
    • A: Dr. Samuel Johnson.
    • Q: What was the first topic he taught in the class?
    • A: The importance of communication.
    • Q: What did Dr. Johnson compliment Ummi on?
    • A: Her beauty and intelligence.
    • Q: What did Ummi feel when Dr. Johnson praised her?
    • A: Flattered but also uneasy.
    • Q: What did Dr. Johnson invite Ummi to do after the class?
    • A: To visit his office.
  • Chapter 4:
    • Q: What did Dr. Johnson try to do to Ummi in his office?
    • A: He tried to seduce her.
    • Q: What did Dr. Johnson tell Ummi about his marital status?
    • A: He lied that he was single and lonely.
    • Q: How did Ummi react to Dr. Johnson’s advances?
    • A: She rejected him firmly and told him that she was already in a relationship with her husband.
    • Q: What did Ummi warn Dr. Johnson to do?
    • A: To

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