Welcome to "ASSIStance Services" The Secret UTME Assistance Organization to help you provide assistance to your students or Candidates under your own name (Brand) .

ASSIStance Services DEALERS Package: is a form of UTME Examinations Assistance wherein a website owners, lesson / tutorial holder ,Expo Providers has the ability to use his or her allotted Credit to get our services E.g(POST UTME,JAMB ,JUPEB) under his or her name (brand) to his/her customers ,students ,candidates.
Dealer (Reseller)Package allows you to sell our products and services to your students ,candidates or customers independently. With Reseller Package you can become a webmasters, Expo supply, Runs Providers with full access to our service.
We have gone far to make sure using and managing any of our services is easier. Our Dealers Plan works like magic and you will love it .
Let get started:
1st Method "UO PLUGIN"(Recommended for Website owners)
If you own a website, and you want to resell our services, we have a ready-made WordPress Plugin, which makes integration (Connection from your website to assistance) easier. "This is GOOD if you want to keep your users in your website for them not to know we powered you".
You are to download ,upload and activate our Official Reseller Plugin on your website, but note, our plugin is [Proprietary Software] only available to/for our dealers (Partner),So after registration you will be authorized to download it.

This plugin will request for your Zone-Id ,Email and Password which will be send to your email after registration ,if you need help you can contact "Support".
[vc_btn title="Get the Plugin Now" style="gradient" gradient_color_1="green" size="lg" i_icon_fontawesome="fa fa-users" css_animation="bounceInDown" add_icon="true" size="sm" align="center" button_block="true" link="url:https%3A%2F%2Futmeofficial.net%2Fmy-services%2Freseller-packages%2F|||"]
On our Website ,you will be require to input your WebHook .Note that our plugin will provide you your webhook after you login with Zone-id and Password.
Web hooks are a incredibly useful and a resource-light way to implement event reactions . Web hooks provide a mechanism where by a server-side application can notify a client-side application when a new event (that the client-side application might be interested in) has occurred on the server.
Our Plugin (OU DEALERS) will create pages in your website, where your candidates can select package they want to buy and their payment page.
For instance if you purchased N-JAMB 50 Credits from us, 100 users will be able to register in your website, and it all registered users will be recorded in our website with the help of webhook.
In our plugin setting ,you could connect to use our payment gateway(commission Apply),: you money will be credited in your account in our website and you can make withdraw to any Nigeria Bank anytime you wish or you can use any payment gateway of your choice.
2st Method (RECOMMENDED) (yourname.UO.COM.NG)
This package is for any one,every one but Best use for schools,lesson holders and Or Website owner who don't use WordPress.
This plan let you have your own brand name as a website from us . E.g assuming your name ,school name or website name is "progressive" ,you can choose to have progressive.UO.COM.NG .
Where your customers,students, or candidates can create accounts,Pay ,and Get their paid stuff.
You can also register them, and provide them with their login details and instructions on how to use it .
NOTE: your credits will be deducting as new user registers under your name.
3rd METHOD (Alternative)
You will be given a discount Code after registration , this can be find in "My account" section, use this discount code to register new users free" .
For instance ,if you purchased 50 N-JAMB Credits from us , on our payment page you will be automatically(normally) be charge 7,000 for N-Jamb 4 subjects ,But once you inserted your Discount code, it will change the price(7,000) to 0.00 .
So we mean to say, with your discount code anybody that know it can buy our service at N0.00k(free) Under your Name(account) ,
NOTE: each registered members with your Code fees will be deducted from your credit. So keep it safe and do not give it to users, instead register them by yourself so your credit will last.
Note: with this method, your candidates can not use "answers page", they will get what so ever they purchased via Email . unless they registered with their own Email but only used your discount code(not recommended) " if you registered them, they will be listed in your account and you can manage them(Recommended) .
Read : Basic Skills to become an exam expo dealer in Nigeria
Read : As a Dealer, See how we protect you and your customers details
NOTICE FOR DEALERS : you are allow to resell our service,once you join our Dealers plan, remove our Brand" width="62" height="17" />and sell under your name(Brand)
Not yet register?! Register Now and Join our over 87 accredited great dealer seller and sell under your name(Brand)
The more services you purchase in bulk, the higher discount you get[/iconbox][vc_btn title="Sign Up For Dealer's Package Now" style="gradient" gradient_color_1="green" size="lg" i_icon_fontawesome="fa fa-users" css_animation="bounceInDown" add_icon="true" size="sm" align="center" button_block="true" link="url:https%3A%2F%2Futmeofficial.net%2Fmy-services%2Freseller-packages%2F|||"]