
JAMB Approved CBT Centres In Nigeria 2025/2026/2025 For JAMB 2025/2026 Registration

JAMB Approved CBT Centres In Nigeria 2025/2026/2025 For JAMB 2025/2026 Registration ,JAMB Approved CBT Centres In Nigeria 2025/2026/2025 For JAMB 2025/2026 Registration ,JAMB Approved CBT Centres In Nigeria 2025/2026/2025 For JAMB 2025/2026 Registration
JAMB Approved CBT Centres In Nigeria 2025/2026/2025 For JAMB 2025/2026 Registration ,JAMB Approved CBT Centres In Nigeria 2025/2026/2025 For JAMB 2025/2026 Registration ,JAMB Approved CBT Centres In Nigeria 2025/2026/2025 For JAMB 2025/2026 Registration 
JAMB Approved CBT Centres In Nigeria 2025/2026/2025 For JAMB 2025/2026 Registration,JAMB Approved CBT Centres In Nigeria 2025/2026/2025 For JAMB 2025/2026 Registration JAMB Approved CBT Centres In Nigeria 2025/2026/2025 For JAMB 2025/2026 Registration

JAMB Approved CBT Centres In Nigeria 2025/2026/2025 For JAMB 2025/2026 Registration

Have you been searching online for the “JAMB Approved CBT Centres In Nigeria 2025/2026/2025 For JAMB Registration?” and have not gotten the best answer you have been seeking for?. Then of course, We are glad to inform you that you are in the right place.

JAMB exams became all Computer Based Tests{CBT) some 2 or 3 years back and since then we have witnessed greater testimonies than the Paper Based Tests (PPT).

However, there were need to establish JAMB CBT registration centres in all state of the federation that will cater for the unending inflow of JAMB aspirants each year. As a result of this, several JAMB Comouter based centres have emerged and of course some have been blacklisted also due to several fraudulent acitivities which they have been seen to over time partake in , thereby getting them blacklisted. If you want to read more about that, you can check in the link below for the list of blacklisted JAMB centres In Nigeria and the offence they committed.

In this post, we shall give you all the information you need concerning the list of JAMB approved Cbt centres in all states of the federation as well as how to go about JAMB CBT registration in any of the centre you have found to be approved.

Therefore, if you happen to be among those that have been searchinf for answers regarding [jamb approved cbt centres in lagos, jamb cbt centres in lagos 2025/2026, jamb cbt center requirement, accredited jamb registration centres in lagos, jamb cbt centres in port harcourt, jamb examination centres in lagos, how to become an accredited jamb registration centre, jamb cbt centre ibafo, JAMB Approved CBT Centres In Nigeria 2025/2026/2025 For JAMB 2025/2026 Registration], then you can see that you are not the only one searching.

However, you shall get all the information you have been searching for right here on this blog.

The importance of registering for the JAMB 2025/2026/2025 in an approved and accredited centre cannot be underestimated. It will save you of all the heartbreaks of not seeing your results even when you are sure you performed excellently well.

Therefore, there is high need to ensure that you take a look at the links below, select you state and check out for the reputable and accredited JAMB CBT Centres in your area before heading to apply to avoid stories that touch the heart.

Below are the list of all accredited JAMB CBT centres right here in Nigeria.

DO you want to won a CBT centre and therefore have been searching online for JAMB CBT Centre requirements?, then you can get all of that below.

Every centre is required to install a digital video recorder and a camera. They have to possess a user manual on these devices.

There is a more detailed specification of a video recorder and camera requirements, which you can look up on the official JAMB website. Apart from that, there are also official requirements for power specification and CCTV system installation.

The cameras have to cover the entrance and exit doors, examination rooms, external building, biometric verification area, the lobby, and server room. Also, all the technical supplies have to be supported by the professional CCTV engineer, who has to report any loss of video to the installer.

How to pass JAMB and score 350+

Download JAMB Recommended CBT PRACTICE APP


1. Don’t be terrified:

The first and most important tip you need to pass JAMB examination is to defeat your fear of the examination. It is well known that anytime JAMB examination draws close, candidates are always terrified. This is indirectly one of the core reasons why many students fail JAMB examination. We largely agree with this point because it is always impossible for a person to do anything positive when he/she is terrified. Thus, We think this should be the first thing every JAMB candidate must do to pass JAMB examination.

If you want to pass JAMB examination, you must be very courageous. Forget about all those people trying to put fear in you. If you believe you can do it, then you will pass JAMB excellently without much stress.

2. Be enthusiastic to pass the examination:

To pass JAMB examination, you must be enthusiastic, determined, and zealous. This point is also very important to smash JAMB examination with 300+. First, I must let you know that JAMB examination is not an exam to come and gamble answers (As many people say). Don’t allow popular sayings to brainwash you.

Sometimes you may feel like you should just forget preparing for JAMB since your friends have told you that “JAMB is an examination to gamble and pass”. But trust me, you are doing great harm to yourself. If you are enthusiastic about preparing for JAMB, you will definitely pass. And then, you will attest to the fact that JAMB is not gambling. They ask questions from the recommended textbooks they give to you. So, if you want to pass JAMB examination excellently, I advise you to start being more enthusiastic and optimistic to pass the examination.

3. Start reading very early as possible:

One thing many JAMB candidates always get wrong is the time they start preparing for the JAMB examination. To some candidates, the right time to start preparing and reading for JAMB examination is when JAMB registration starts. But this is a big lie.

Yes! I agree with the fact that there is no particular time for a student to start preparing and reading for JAMB because, “The right time” in this sense, is relative to the person. But even at that, to start preparing for JAMB when registration has commenced is not a good idea.. This article clearly explains the right time for every student to start preparing for JAMB.

4. Focus more on JAMB past questions and answers:

If you noticed, among all the materials needed to prepare for JAMB examination i mentioned, JAMB past questions and answers were emphasized greatly on. This is because past questions and answers are the most tentative tool to pass JAMB. I mean, if you read only your JAMB past questions and answers carefully and ardently, you can score up to 300 in JAMB.

Well, that may sound ridiculous but it is the truth. JAMB no longer ask new questions. The pick questions from the one they have already asked before. So in other to pass JAMB examination with a good score, it is wise to prepare and focus more on JAMB past questions and answers. Nevertheless, this does not mean you should not mean to study your textbooks and other materials. Yes, you have to study them all. But it is wise to focus more on JAMB past questions and answers.

JAMB recommended English text is another important material you will need to pass JAMB examination excellently. The truth is that many students don’t really study JAMB recommended text because of the time factor. But there is no way you will do well in JAMB Use of English examination without studying JAMB recommended text.

This year (that is 2025/2026/2025 session) JAMB has decided to use “sweet sixteen”, which is apparently not voluminous. So do not think of reading the summary. Get the recommended text yourself and read it completely. It will help you a lot. I mean, you will gain more knowledge when you study the text than when you read its summary. Trust me; this will also go a long way to help you prepare and pass JAMB 2025/2026/23 examination.

6. Keep away from any distraction:

When I was preparing for JAMB examination as of 2017, We had so many distractions from my friends who came visiting me every day. Sometimes after visiting, I find it difficult to still study my books. When I discovered that my friends were not impacting anything positive to make me pass JAMB examination, We had to keep away from them all. Though, I was not happy doing it. But We had to, so I could pass my JAMB examination.

To you, it may not be your friends. It may be something like your job, parents or something else. You have to either reduce or totally keep away from that thing that is a distraction to you. To be frank with you, JAMB examination is not a child’s play. It can only be passed by candidates who are success-minded. So, it is wise to keep away from distractions and stay focus to pass Jamb examination without engaging in examination malpractice.

7. Learn from the experiences of other JAMB candidates:

While it is advisable to keep away from distractions, it is very ideal to network with other JAMB candidates so that you can learn from their experiences.

Apart from the fact that you have to read assiduously, you also have to know the ups and downs of JAMB examination. And it is only when you network with other JAMB candidates, you will be able to know that. This point is also very important because not everything can be put into writing. There is something I may not teach you here, but when you engage in discussions with other JAMB candidates (Both past candidates and current candidates), you will learn them. Remember the proverbial saying that states “Experience is the best teacher“. If you want to pass JAMB examination excellently, I advise you to start networking with other JAMB candidates today.

8. Set a grade you intend to score:

Many candidates believe that this tip no longer works. But trust me, it is very important to pass JAMB examination. In fact, don’t even take it trivial if you want to score high in JAMB UTME examination.

Setting a particular grade you intend to score in JAMB examination helps you into way:

  • First, it makes you work hard so that you will reach the score you want.
  • It helps to ensure that you don’t score very low in JAMB examination.

Yes! It is for these reasons that you need to set a particular grade you intend to score in JAMB examination. In addition to the points already stated above, setting a particular grade for yourself helps you to overcome and reduce fear for JAMB examination easily. No doubt, this is one working tips to pass JAMB examination with a high score.

9. Make understanding your prime goal:

I will always keep asserting the fact that the JAMB examination is not very easy except for you to prepare properly for the examination. JAMB is a very technical examination. It takes only a person who read and understood very well to pass the examination. So, if you want to pass JAMB examination, you must make understanding your sole purpose of reading.

Don’t just read because you want to pass, or because you want to cram it. Study to understand effectively. This will make sure that, no matter how a question is tweeted, you will be able to understand the question and give it a correct answer. If you try to cram everything in your books, you will not be able to answer both simple questions you know.

10. Practice how to manage your time:

Time management is also very important to pass JAMB examination. It is pertinent to note that JAMB is CBT (That is, a Computer Based Test). The time for the examination is technology fixed to stop at a particular time (About 2hours). Thus, if you don’t practice how to manage your time properly before taking the examination, you may not finish all your questions before the stoppage time.

Lately, many candidates often complain of time after JAMB exam. I won’t like you to have that same problem after reading this article. So, We strongly recommend that you start learning how to manage your time when taking JAMB examination today. Just get a stopwatch and some past questions. Make sure you finish all the questions of a particular year in 2hours. This way, you will do exceedingly well in JAMB examination.

11. Take JAMB mock exam:

JAMB mock examination is an examination annually fixed by JAMB to get candidates ready for the main JAMB examination. Though, not everyone is allowed to take this exam because JAMB is responsible for appointing candidates that will take the examination.

JAMB often claim that the examination is just for preparation purpose. But sometimes it is not. Most of the questions asked in JAMB mock examinations are often repeated in the real JAMB examination. So, if you are given the opportunity to take JAMB mock examination, do not neglect it. Take the examination because it may be your helper in the main examination.

12. Do not engage in examination malpractice:

Gone are those days when you can get JAMB Expo before the examination. It is no longer that way. Like We stated before, JAMB is become more technical by the day. So, if you have been thinking of how you will get Expo or engage in examination malpractice, forget about it. There is no way.

If you want to pass JAMB, you must jettison your notion to engage in examination malpractice and start preparing properly for the examination. Trust me, there is no room for malpractice in JAMB examination now. In fact, almost all the candidates who engaged in examination malpractice (2018/2020), were punished severely by the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB). We are sure you don’t want to be punished by JAMB. All you have to do, it to start preparing the right way.

Other Important Tips You Need To Pass JAMB Examination

Come early to your examination centre:

Aside from all the points, I mentioned above, coming early to your examination center is also very ideal to pass the JAMB examination. By doing that, you will be able to have enough rest before the examination and be able to overcome your fear and tension during JAMB examination. Trust me, this point can go a long way to help you pass JAMB examination if you follow it.

Have enough rest before your examination:

Yes! I may have said that you need to read very hard to pass JAMB examination. That doesn’t mean you should destroy your brain. Remember that if your brain is stressed up, it may not function very well during the exam. Thus, it is very wise to have enough sleep before you take JAMB examination. Nevertheless, you can wake up and revise your books before going into the examination hall. This will also go a long way to help you pass JAMB examination.

Be very smart:

Yes! you also have to be very smart to pass JAMB examination. Make sure you don’t hesitate to report any problem you encounter during JAMB to the ICT Unit of the center you are. Be careful not to engage in examination malpractice or seat near a person engaging in malpractice because JAMB frowns at that too. Smartness is also important to pass JAMB examination.

Passing JAMB examination is apparently not an easy task. But We are very optimistic that this content will go a long way to help you surpass every question you are asked in the examination.

That’s the much we can take on the topic “JAMB Approved CBT Centres In Nigeria For JAMB Registration”.

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