List of Top Medical Universities in Ukraine for International Students
List of Top Medical Universities in Ukraine for International Students,List of Top Medical Universities in Ukraine for International Students,List of Top Medical Universities in Ukraine for International Students ADS! Download JAMB CBT Software Now for FREE! – Top Medical Universities in Ukraine – Are you searching for the best medical schools in Ukraine? Then this
List of Top Medical Universities in Ukraine for International Students
List of Top Medical Universities in Ukraine for International Students,List of Top Medical Universities in Ukraine for International Students,List of Top Medical Universities in Ukraine for International Students
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– Top Medical Universities in Ukraine –
Are you searching for the best medical schools in Ukraine? Then this page is for you. On this page, I will list out the Best ranking medical universities in Ukraine. Stay focused and go through it carefully for more about Top Medical Universities in Ukraine.
Why Study Medicine in Ukraine as an International Student?
Most of the international students are attracted by Ukrainian universities because of several reasons, among which are:
➛ Simple application and admission process,
➛ The possibility of studying in English or French,
➛ Low tuition fees and living costs,
➛ Multicultural environment enriching and expanding student life and sense of life,
➛ Good quality of education,
Studying Medicine in Ukraine: Medical programs
The most popular medical courses among the best medical Schools to Study medicine in Ukraine are:
➛ Medicine: duration of the medical course is 6 years; degree awarded is a doctor of medicine (MD or MBBS);
➛ Dental: duration of the dental course is 5 years; degree awarded is a bachelor of dentistry (BDS);
➛ Paediatrics: duration of the course is 6 years; degree awarded is a doctor of medicine (paediatrician);
➛ Nursing: duration of the course is 2 years; degree awarded is a bachelor of nursing.
➛ Dental orthopaedic: duration of the course is 2 years; degree awarded is a bachelor of dental orthopaedic;
➛ Postgraduate studies: duration of the study is 2-3 years;
Tuition fees for Studying Medicine in Ukraine
Studying medicine abroad in Ukraine is one of the cheapest options in Europe and beyond. For medical programs in English, tuition fees vary from 2600 to 3700 Euros/year.
Combine cheap living costs (ex. accommodation: around 700 Euros/year; food and around 150 Euro/year) and quality of medical education, attract international medical students looking to study medicine abroad.
If you are looking for the best medical Schools to Study medicine in Ukraine. World Scholarship Forum have the answer.
1. National University Of Pharmacy (NUPh)
The National University of Pharmacy situated in Kharkov Ukraine is a domestic centre of pharmaceutical edification and science development.
It occupies a leading place in recognition of public policy in training a new generation of extremely skilled specialists and implementation of competitive scientific developments for the science-intensive pharmaceutical industry.
The University creates conditions for deep scientific training of extremely qualified specialists on the principles of education and science cooperation. It is one of the Best Medical Schools in Ukraine for International Students
It offers courses and programs leading to officially acknowledged higher education degrees such as pre-bachelor degrees, bachelor degrees, master degrees, doctorate degrees in several areas of study.
As the name implies, its main area of education is “Pharmacy”. In the National University of Pharmacy, you can find some other areas of medical education.
It’s really easy to describe. If you are a student that wants to study the “Pharmacy” National University of Pharmacy is really the BEST choice for you.
This institution has a selective admission procedure based on entrance examinations. The admission rate range is 90 to 100% making this Ukrainian higher education organization at least a selective institution.
International applicants are eligible to apply for enrollment
2. Kharkiv National Medical University (KNMU)
Kharkiv National Medical University, founded in the year 1805 as the Medical Faculty of the Kharkiv University, it was formerly known as Kharkiv State Medical University.
It is a medical university in Kharkiv and one of the Best Medical Schools in Ukraine for International Students
The University is a Member of International Medical Associations, the University has been training medical personnel for countries of Eastern Europe, China and Mongolia since the year 1951.
It has also been training students from other countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America since 1961.
At present, you can study starting at the Preparatory Department, Nursing Medical and Dental Faculties and also undergo postgraduate and clinical postgraduate (residency) courses.
There are also professional probation at departments of the University in Dental, ophthalmology, orthopaedics, therapy, oncology, urology, surgery, psychiatry, obstetrics and gynaecology, as well as other medical specialities.
The University has trained more than Five thousand (5000) specialists for 86 states of Asia, Europe, Latin America, Middle East countries and lots more.
3. Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy
Dnepropetrovsk State Medical Academy was established on 15th September 1916 from the Ekaterynoslavsky higher female courses Institute. The university is known as the business city of Ukraine.
It acquired the status of State Academy in the year 1920 and it was confirmed again to Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy (DSMA) in Ukraine in the year 1994 by the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine [No. 224] dated 20th April 1994.
Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy is the only Academy all over Ukraine, providing training to students in all the seven (7) faculties and preparatory departments for foreign citizens.
It is one of the Best Medical Schools in Ukraine for International Students
Dnipropetrovsk State Medical Academy is one of the oldest higher educational institutions in Ukraine having 4th (which is the highest) level of accreditation in Ukraine.
4. Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy
Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy is the foremost state higher educational institution in the training of both physicians and dentists.
The Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy started its activity in the year 1921 as the Odontology Faculty of the Kharkiv Medical Academy.
The Academy is a part of the Poltava State Medical and Dental University (UMSA). The academy offers courses in English Medicine (MB/BS), Dentistry and Nursing.
It is one of the Best Medical Schools in Ukraine for International Students
The academy trains specialists in six (6) faculties and a preparatory department. PSMU specialists are trained with Junior specialists, specialists and Masters for the following specialities:
➛ Stomatology (surgery) (5 years)
➛ Medicine (Mbbs/MD) (6 years)
➛ Paediatrics (duration 6 years)
➛ Medical Nursing (duration 2 – 3 years)
➛ Pharmacy (duration 5 years)
➛ Orthopaedic Stomatology (duration 2 years)
5. National University of Kharkiv
The Karazin University National University is one of the major universities in Ukraine, and earlier in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union.
It was established in the year 1804 through the efforts of Vasily Karazin becoming the second oldest university in modern-day Ukraine after the University of Lviv.
The University is a very good and very famous university. It offers medical and other numerous courses, but a lot of others in a big number of areas. It is one of the Best Medical Schools in Ukraine for International Students
The opening ceremony was held on 29th January 1805. The University made an important contribution to the Ukrainian national renaissance of the 19th century.
It gave a powerful impulsion to the emergence of Kharkiv as a major scientific and cultural centre and an academic hub of Ukraine.
Today the University justly rates among the best Ukrainian classical universities and is known in many countries.
Under the Soviet Union, the University was decorated in the Order of the Red Banner of Labour, the Order of the October Revolution and the Order of Peoples’ Friendship.
Kharkiv National University holds the 2nd place in Ukraine in a volume of publications and citations in the scientific database Scopus and the Hirsch index.
In the year 2025, according to QS World University Rankings, it is the best university in Ukraine and the 410th university in the world.
6. Odessa National Medical University
The Odesa National Medical University is a government university; the institution was established in the year 1900 as the medical faculty of the Novorossiyskiy State University in the city of Odesa Ukraine.
It is one of the Best Medical Schools in Ukraine for International Students
The medical faculty later became one of the most influential medical faculties in the Russian Empire. Many eminent medical scientists, including Nobel laureate and professor I. I. Mechnikov, worked in Odessa National Medical University.
The medical faculty managed to survive the intricate and turbulent period of the early years of the Russian revolution and in the year 1922, it was transformed into the independent and autonomous Odessa State Medical Institute.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, it then became Odesa State Medical University in the independent Ukrainian Republic. Currently, the Odessa National Medical University is one of the leading medical universities in Ukraine.
The university is a member of the International Association of Medical Universities and the elevated standards of training at the institution are well recognized throughout Europe and America.
The university has created all the conditions necessary for active students’ leisure. There are six (6) sports halls at the university sports complex: for sports games, table tennis, aerobics and rhythmic gymnastics, shaping-up, gym and track-and-field hall.
There are several sports groups: athletics, handball, fencing, judo, power-lifting, basketball, weight sports, swimming, indoor soccer, tennis, sambo, chess. Its hostels provide students with sports grounds and gyms.
The students’ sports and fitness complex is located on the territory of Lustdorf at the Black Sea coast.
The university was the first university in Ukraine to start medical education in the English medium in the year 1996.
The university grooms specialists of the following levels: Junior Specialist, Specialist, Master (international students inclusive) for the following specialities:
➛ Pharmaceutical
➛ Medical
➛ Pediatric
➛ Stomatological (Dental)
➛ Faculty of Dentistry
➛ Postgraduate
Odessa is a wonderful city in Ukraine. It is situated near the Black Sea, a very popular tourist city. And it’s really beautiful.
7. Kyiv National Medical University
Kyiv National Medical University is of the best Medical Schools to Study medicine in Ukraine.
It is located in Kyiv and it was established in the year 1841 when a Medical Faculty under Kyiv Saint Volodymyr University was opened having 29 students.
Kyiv National Medical University is a leading medical university in Ukraine of higher learning in educational, methodical and humanitarian activities. It is also the leading scientific and deterrent care centre.
It is the chief higher medical educational establishment amongst the higher medical schools in Ukraine.
It is based on academic and methodical work and improvement of qualification for scientific and teaching staff at the higher medical school of Ukraine of 1-5 accreditation level.
The University was awarded the gold medal at the international exhibition of educational institutions.
According to the state rating from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the University takes first place amongst the higher Medical schools of 3 and 5 accreditation levels.
➛ Medical Faculty №1[Training doctors with the speciality – medicine business]
➛ Medical Faculty №2 [Training doctors with the speciality – medicine business]
➛ Medical Faculty №3 (Training doctors with the speciality – paediatrics]
➛ Medical Faculty №4 (Training doctors with the speciality – medical and preventative care]
➛ Pharmaceutical Faculty
➛ Medical Engineering Faculty
➛ Medical Psychology Faculty
➛ Dental Faculty
➛ Faculty on training foreign citizens
➛ Faculty for Training of Doctors for the Armed Forces of Ukraine
➛ Faculty for Advanced Training
8. Ternopil State Medical University
Ternopil State Medical University is a medical university situated in the city of Ternopil in Ukraine. The University was founded on 12th of April 1957 as Ternopil Medical Institute.
On the 1st of July 1992, the institute was named after Ivan Horbachevsky.
Ukraine Ministry of Health constantly ranks Ternopil State Medical University amongst the country’s top medical schools.
On the process of compiling the rating, we talked with some students. Students of Ternopil Medical Institute reacted very positively about their university and said that they like studying here.
At the same time, they noted that many of the campuses of the university need modernization.
This is an excellent place to study. A good city with high quality of education, its staff sometimes can show an arrogant attitude.
Ternopil State Medical University takes 8th place in our ranking of medical universities in Ukraine for the year 2025.
9. Vinnytsia National Medical University
Vinnytsia National Medical University is a government medical university for MBBS in Ukraine.
The University is situated in the city of Vinnytsia and is accredited and recognised by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Medical Council of India (MCI) and World Health Organisation (WHO) and lots of all others.
Meaning that Indian students are eligible to sit for the FMGE or MCI Screening Test after completing their degree from Vinnytsia National Medical University.
The University hosts nearly five thousand five hundred (5,500) students, approximately one thousand (1,000) of these are international students.
The degree awarded by Vinnytsia National Medical University is called MD (Physician) and the course duration is six (6) years.
The degree is recognized by the International Medical Education Directory (IMED), US Education Department and General Council Of Medicine of Great Britain.
The university is famous among international students. During last year they made a huge job and become a 2nd medical university in our list. They get lots of international students every year now. Education here is not only excellent but really fun.
10. Zaporizhia State Medical University
Zaporizhzhia State Medical University (ZSMU) is a medical university in the city of Zaporizhia, Ukraine.
The university is one of the best Medical Schools to Study medicine in Ukraine and the oldest medical higher institution is a self-governing (autonomous) state higher educational establishment of the 4th (the top) level of accreditation.
The University became an international higher institution many years ago. In the year 1973, the preparatory faculty for foreign citizens was opened.
We had lots of debates in our office about the position of Zaporizhia State Medical University, Let’s clear something. Zaporizhia State Medical University has a pretty superior reputation amongst professionals.
Opinions of students are different and as we can see it depends on the department of the student. Zaporizhia is a good city. Nowadays, as we know the economics of the city isn’t too tough. But this city has a wonderful history and it’s a really good city.
11. Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University
The Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University is an institute of higher medical education in Ivano-Frankivsk, and of the best Medical Schools to Study medicine in Ukraine.
The university is located in Ivano city in the northwest of Ukraine and is a leading higher education establishment in the region, with a higher accreditation level.
It provides continuity of higher medical education: Junior Specialist, Bachelor, Medical Specialist Master – postgraduate.
The university history commenced in the year 1945 and is listed in the World Health Organization (WHO) Directory of Medical Schools and in the US FAIMER International Medical Education Directory (IMED).
The university is one of the few Medical Universities in Ukraine to be designated as a “National Medical University” by the government of Ukraine, So we come to the Western part of Ukraine.
Do you know the difference? The Eastern part is more industrial and the Western is more in agriculture. Each part has some differences.
12. Bukovinian State Medical University (BSMU)
Bukovinian State Medical University is one of the biggest higher educational establishments of Chernivtsi and among the best medical Schools to Study medicine in Ukraine.
The university has recently celebrated the 65th anniversary of its foundation.
It is a modern multi-sectoral educational institution of the IV accreditation level, included in the general register of the WHO, Magna Charta Universitatum (Bologna, Italy).
It is the Association of the Carpathian Region Universities that provides qualified training according to the grading system of education.
Universe Education is our official representative of the University Bukovinian State Medical University is one of the largest higher educational establishments in Chernivtsi.
The University includes a medical lyceum, Vashkivtsi, Chernivtsi, Novoselytsia and Kovel’ (Volyn’) Medical Colleges, 4 medical faculties, stomatological and pharmaceutical faculties, the department of post-graduate education.
The University pays more attention to international students now. We believe that it has enormous potential and a bright future. We are glad to recommend it for you this year.
13. Donetsk National Medical University (DNMU)
The University is one of the biggest medical universities of the former USSR. The University is measured as one of the best medical schools in Ukraine.
The university was originally situated in Donetsk, it was relocated to Kropyvnytskyi, Kramatorsk, and Mariupol in the year 2014 due to the war in Donbass.
Currently, is experiencing bad time times now. Because of the fighting in the east of Ukraine, it was forced to change the city of the university.
This is definitely a negative collision on its position in the ranking. If not for this fact, we would have thought to give it first or second place. But, regrettably, we are unable to raise it above third place now. Students can be guaranteed.
The educational process takes place in so many of kilomentrov. It is a good place to study medicine in Ukraine.
The quality of education, international recognized excellent staff, modern equipment. Everything was perfect.
14. Lviv National Medical University
Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University formerly known as the Lviv State Medical Institute.
The Faculty of Medicine of the John Casimir University and, also Faculty of Medicine of the Francis I University is amongst the oldest and biggest medical universities in the city of EucraneUkraine.
The university is one of the leading medical universities of the five (5 levels of accreditation.
LNMU begins from the Medical Faculty of Lviv University, which was opened on the 16th day of November 1784, according to the privilege of the Austrian emperor Josef II. In year 2009 University celebrated its 225 anniversary.
Although the different opinions about the university, all the students are very satisfied with the city of Lviv. Staff, It is really nice to study medicine in Ukraine.
15. Bogomolets National Medical University
Bogomolets National Medical University is the main educational, research and therapeutic centre of Ukraine.
It celebrated its 175 years in the year 2025 and was impressed by the number of excellent doctors who graduated from this higher educational institution.
Bogomolets National Medical University is a medical school established in the year 1841 in Kyiv, Ukraine. The university was named after physiologist Alexander A. Bogomolets.
The university provides medical training for both domestic and international students.
Please note, that it has a very high tuition fee and the cost of living in Kyiv is high too. It is your choice!
University Faculties
➛ Medical School within 4 faculties of “General Medicine”, “Pediatrics”, “Preventive Care”, including programs, available in English
➛ School of Medical Psychology
➛ School of Military Medicine
➛ School of Pharmacy
➛ School for continuing education for Trainers
➛ School of Dentistry
➛ School for Postgraduate Training in Preventive Care Medicine
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