UNICAL post UTME result
how to check UNICAL post UTME result checker
Have you been asking “how to check UNICAL post UTME result 2025/2026”
“how much is UNICAL post utme result checking scratch card”? In this article you shall find out the simple process that you need to follow just to check UNICAL post UTME result.

You might ask what is UNICAL post UTME result checking portal?
The portal where you should check your post UTME result remains
how to check unical post utme result
- To check your UNICAL post UTME result you need to visit the University of Calabar post UTME result checking portal here
- https://www.myunical.edu.ng/post-utme/check-post-utme.aspx
- You need to input your result checker pin you have purchased.
- Input your JAMB registration number along side too in the space provided.
- Then you need to click on Login’ button to gain access and also to allow the system search for your result.
- This should take less than 3 seconds depending on your network speed.
Important information to all UNICAL aspirant :
The university of calabar has instructed all candidates to kindly upload their results to JAMB portal, this information are for those who didn’t upload their result earlier on when they were registering for JAMB. Those who have already uploaded their results need not to border themselves again.
The university of Calabar has warned parents not to influence their children chances of securing admission by engaging in any illegality as criminals are now everywhere looking for who to defraud.
You have been ask to report any person or group of persons who ask for gratification no matter how highly placed such individual is.
how much is UNICAL post UTME result checking scratch card
For those who has been asking how much is UNICAL post UTME result checking scratch card should note that the price of the scratch card remains fixed.
You can only get the scratch card in some selected banks at the rate of 1000 naira (one thousand naira) only.
List of Banks selling UNICAL post UTME result checking card
- UNICAL Microfinance Bank, Calabar
- WEMA Bank Plc, Calabar
- Enterprise Bank, Calabar
- First City Monument Bank Plc.
UNICAL departmental cut off mark
Now that you have checked your post UTME result on the university of Calabar result checking portal we will like you to see various cut off marks for all departments. See what your department normally accepts as their cut off mark.
UNICAL admission list checker
The university of Calabar don’t waste time in releasing of names of those who has been admitted into the institution. So waste no time in knowing when UNICAL has release your name. To check your status now click here.
Don’t forget to check your name on jamb admission list too
UNICAL school fees and acceptance fee
The university of calabar school fees is not that expensive because UNICAL is a federal government university. But we will love you to see how much UNICAL has ask freshers to pay this year.