CRUTECH Cut off Mark and Departmental Cut off Point|Cross River State University of Technolog jamb cut off mark
Most aspirant of Cross River State University of Technology which is popularly known as CRUTECH :
What is CRUTECH departmental cut off mark for ? has CRUTECH released her departmental cut off mark for pharmacy,medicine and surgery,
law, mass communication or mass com, civil engineering, computer engineering and mechanical engineering? This and other related topics on CRUTECH cut off mark has been brought to our notice
Reading this article shall be of immense help to you and your friends. So The time has come for you to inform your friends who are aspiring and planning on taking the compulsory CRUTECH post Utme that the cut off marks for various department is out.
We will like to make it clear to you that
there are certain stringent requirements the Cross River State University of Technology being a state government university will like all aspirant to meet before they will be considered, if they are qualified or not to study a particular course or degree program.
CRUTECH JAMB Fixed Cut-off Mark
It’s no news that the joint admission and Matriculation board jamb has made it clear to all university to adopt The usual 120 cut off marks but truth be told this cut off mark might look too low for these universities to adopt.
Most universities has started showing their displeasure by adopting a higher general cut off mark.
To this point the university of Cross River State University of Technology will be inviting all those who scored a jamb score of 180 to come forward for the post Utme exams.
CRUTECH Departmental Cut-off Mark
Hope you know that departmental cut off mark is what most university uses to determine who is qualified to be Given admission or not ? Now that you have settled for the Cross River State University of Technology it will be in your best interest to strive to get your desired cut off mark.
While aiming for a high departmental cut off mark we will like you to know that other factors too are also taken into consideration by the management of Cross River State University of Technology. Let’s look at these factors :
Catchment policy : this policy was put in place to favor those who are from cross river state , so if you are from cross river state lucky you.
Number of applicants : this is the main deal, if by any chance there are high number of aspirant buying the Cross River State University of Technology screening form then expect a high departmental cut off mark.
Performances of total applicant :though most people have dismissed this fact but on reality it still determines the cut off mark
Your O level results : you have been asked to upload your result to jamb and the Cross River State University of Technology portal, they are surely going to use it to appraise your performances.
Nature of Cross River State University of Technology Admission Screening
The management of Cross River State University of Technology and the governing body of the institution normally invited the general public and those who chose the institution in jamb to come forward for the screening exercise which is scheduled to take place in the school’s campus.
If you perform better you will be offered admission into Cross River State University of Technology. Once you secured an admission it’s idea you pay your acceptance fee immediately and if possible your school fees.
You may need to proceed to do admission clearance immediately at the Cross River State University of Technology campus, while going present the following documents :
- All your original copies of your credentials, statements of result is allowed.
- Your photographs, get about 16 copies.
- Get your certificate of birth or smiler documents that shows your birth date
- Get your Local Government Identification Certificate.
- Finally match into the school campus with your prove of payment of both acceptance and school fees to complete your screening.
Cross River State University of Technology Address and Locations
The cross river state university campus can be found in Ekpo Abasi St, Calabar, Nigeria.
CRUTECH departmental cut off mark for 2025
CRUTECH cut off mark for pharmacy
CRUTECH cut off mark for law
CRUTECH cut off mark for mass communication
CRUTECH cut off mark for computer engineering
CRUTECH cut off mark for medicine and surgery
CRUTECH cut off mark for civil engineering
CRUTECH cut off mark for mechanical engineering