Will There Be Post UTME In 2025/2026?how many subject and questions in post utme
in this article we will have a brief discussion about the history of post utme and why schools conduct post utme screening, we will also talk about how many subjects you are to sit for and the number of questions to expect.
ever since Nigerian universities introduced post utme screening exercise, post utme has now become the determining factor on who get admission or who is denied admission
history of post utme screening
post utme was introduced in 2002 during the tenure of Prof. Prof. Chinwe Obaji who was then the minister if education,
although not all schools embrace it at it inception but gradually other schools not only the Universities even Polytechnics and Colleges of Education adopted the new model.
the aim of post utme screening exercise is to filter candidates and also to verify if they actually wrote the exams whose results they parade about.
after a while most schools now found a way to extort their candidates all in the name of post utme, they charged as high as 6000 even some charge 12,000 and above, this cost exclude the cost of scratch cards or service fee charges.
This made the National assembly and some concerned Nigerians to challenge the existence of post utme, after all it has no legal law backing it.
a resolution was finally reached and it was agreed that no school should charge above 2000.
- Universities That Accept Combination Of O’level results
- list of Schools That will Conduct a Written Post-Utme Admission Screening Exam this year
- How to confirm if your O level results has been uploaded to jamb portal
Will There Be Post UTME In 2025/2026
now back to the question, University of Benin (UNIBEN), UNILAG,IMSU, ABSU, FUTO, FUNAAB, OAU, UNIPORT, UNICAL, NDU, LASU, UI, AAU, UNILORIN, ABU, DELSU, YABATECH Etc conduct post utme this year after we must have written jamb exam?
Please note that the aim of post utme is just to filter candidates who present themselves to be considered for admission.
So yes there will be post utme this year, if you scored low in jamb, a golden opportunity has presented it self to you to correct the mistake. you don’t need to be afraid. I have seen jamb candidates who scored low in jamb an scored 350 in post utme.
my advice to all jamb candidates is for them to take post utme exams very serious as this is determining factor, don’t just go unprepared because you scored very high in jamb, it does not work that way.
remember All marks will be added together then divided by two to get the average score. so buckle up for the task ahead.
how many subjects are written in post utme
you are to write just four subjects and they are the same subjects you selected while registering for jamb exams
how many questions are there in post utme
some might want to know how. many questions are there in a single subject in post utme exams, well it depends on the school as i have seen schools that sets just 40 questions in each subject while others set just 30.
Do you still have any question to ask? if yes just kindly drop it below
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Please is polythenic of otefe oghere out for this 2023/2025
Please let me know when it time