Step To Upload Waec And Neco Awaiting Results To Jamb Portal/closing date
jamb has provided an option that allows those with awaiting results to upload their awaiting results to jamb portal hence those with awaiting results are free to take the forth coming 2025/2026 jamb.
ever since jamb instructed all jamb candidates to upload their results, most jamb candidates have been asking this question “upload How can I upload my WAEC result to JAMB portal?”
Now the question is how can I upload my awaiting WAEC /NECO and GCE Results to jamb portal? if you are still boarded on how you can easily upload your O level results such as WAEC, NECO, Gce to jamb portal this article will guide you through.
Now before you can upload your waec or NECO results you must have created a jamb profile first, if you have not done that click here now.
Now that you are through creating your profile with jamb you now have to move to the next step that involves uploading of O level results
jamb portal for uploading waec result
the jamb uploading portal is the official page or database provided by jamb for candidates to upload their results.
I will advise you to visit a cbt center for them to do it properly for you.
- before you can start uploading your results you must first scan all your documents, be it WAEC, NECO or GCE it must be scan.
- after scanning the document log onto to
- locate the profile login page, login to your Jamb profile by entering your password and email.
How To Know If Your O-level Has Been Uploaded
now that you have uploaded your O level results, you might want to confirm if truly it was uploaded successfully, well don’t worry i have written an interesting article that will explain and clear your doubt about this.
jamb uploading of result deadline
there is always a deadline given by jamb to all candidate to quickly upload their results and secondly the closing date can be influenced by the institution you choose.
But have this in mind that you must upload your O level results at least before they start releasing their merit Admission List.
Dont worry we shall update this page as we gather more information about the official closing date.
how to upload waec result to jamb website
waec result upload
upload waec result to jamb portal
how can i upload my waec result to jamb portal
how to upload o’level result on jamb website
jamb uploading of result 2025/2026
upload result 2025/2026
how to upload awaiting result
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