Federal Poly Nekede ND Evening / Weekend Admission List for the 2025/2026 Session is Out
Welcome everyone and all aspirant of the federal polytechnic Nekede, we will like you to slowly read all we are going to state here so as to check your admission status.
You Want to check Federal Poly Nekede ND Evening / Weekend Admission List for the 2025/2026 academic session? This post is the right place to do that Seamlessly with out much hassle as everything is simplified for all candidates to quickly catch up and also know their admission status right now.
All candidates who got interested in Federal Poly Nekede ND Evening / Weekend, bought the form and also took the screening, upload the necessary documents can now follow this few steps we are going to list below to check their admission status sharp sharp.
All you need to check your status is your Application Form Number, so if you don’t have it here with you quickly get it and follow our procedure to check your names and status right away.
It will interest you to know that the management of the federal polytechnic Nekede has open the portal for you all to check your names. Although names are uploaded in batches which means that if you didn’t see your names right now you have to check back until you find your names.
To this end all candidates, prospective students and aspirants that applied for Federal Polytechnic Nekede (NEKEDEPOLY) National Diploma (ND) Evening/Weekend programmes, should note that uploading of names has been concluded right now. The question you should ask your self now is “how can i check my name?” well it’s quite simple And; easy let’s go.
How to Check Federal Polytechnic Nekede Admission List 2025/2026
- Your first step is to log on to Federal Polytechnic Nekede Admission checking portal @
- https://ndapplication.fpno.edu.ng/Applicant/Admission/CheckStatus
- Input your Application Form Number
- Now click on Log-In which gives the system the go ahead to search your details out.
Have you been admitted into FPNO National Diploma (ND) part-time programme (Evening and weekend)?
If you have been admitted or offered an admission into FPNO National Diploma (ND) part-time programme (Evening and weekend) as a matter of urgency you got to act fast based on the following items we are going to list below :
- Get your 2025/2026 JAMB registration number and submit it online on this portal https://www.ndapplication.fpno.edu.ng/
- An information came in now that those who don’t have JAMB registration number should as a matter of urgency locate any CBT center in and around town where they are expected to register for jamb, obtain their registration number.