WAEC GCE Registration Form timetable And Exam Date For Jan/Feb|see WAEC GCE starting Date and closing date |Download timetable
When will WAEC GCE registration start :Most WAEC GCE applicant have been asking when waec gce registration form will be out and if the exam date has been announced by the exam board.
Please be informed that the registration for WAEC GCE has closes soon
we will be updating this page from time to time. Please read to the last page
WAEC GCE Registration Period.
WAEC GCE normal registration period is from Tuesday,
How much is WAEC GCE form
Another question that most WAEC GCE candidates ask again is “how much is the registration form?” it’s not a bad idea to ask as this will give you time to prepare early financially The price of the form remains N13,950.
We will like to inform you and to bring to your notice that the west African examination council will be conducting 4 exams in 2025 out of this 4 exams two are only important to us for now and they are :
- West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) may/june.
- West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) for Private candidates.
For clarification the 2025 registration will be done online strictly, should in case you are wondering how to successfully register, I will advise you to calmly read this article to get a clear picture of how to register.
Like we said before the fee for registration is 13950 naira, this money should be paid only at the under listed banks that am going to mention below:
Please note that you will be given a pin after your payment has been confirm by WAEC, use this pin you have been given to proceed online to complete your registration.
- Polaris Bank Ltd
- Stanbic IBTC Bank Plc
- Standard Chartered Bank Plc
- First Bank of Nig. Ltd.
- First City Monument Bank Plc
- Guaranty Trust Bank Plc
- Heritage Bank Plc
- Sterling Bank Plc
- Zenith Bank Plc
- Plc
- Ecobank Plc
- Fidelity Bank Plc
- Unity Bank Plc
- Access Bank Plc
- Diamond Bank
- WEMA Bank Plc
- Union Bank of Nigeria Plc
- United Bank for Africa Plc
Note: the bank won’t process your from free of charge . There is what we call service fee all. applicant who bought the form from the listed banks above shall make a payment of 500 that will cover for service rendered by the bank.
- WAEC expect all candidates to complete their registration between you two weeks
- To begin with your registration log onto @ https:/https://my.assistedu.com.ng/registration.waecdirect.org/
- Once the registration form comes out carefully enter your name correctly and other details
- Ensure your finger print is captured correctly.
- Don’t fail to print the acknowledgement slip or photocard which will show you are for the exams.
Those candidates who are total blind or have poor vision or other disability should indicate while filling the form online. Failure to indicate means you will be place under the same hot sit with those with out disability.
- Immediately you pay the money at the bank please note that you can not get it back.
- You are expected to go through the information on the VCD, understand them very well before proceeding with your registration.
- Don’t forget to download the waec GCE timetable as it’s very important.
- Your photograph passport must be very sharp and clear, white background. The size must not be less or more than 275 By 314
- During the exams you are expected to take the exams on mufti. Guns, knife or other arms than can cause harm or instill fear are not allowed.
- Avoid double registration.
- Fighting, smoking, indecency are strictly prohibited within the exam hall
- Please on no reason must you come to the hall with your handset.
For those who are asking For the closing date of the registration :October 8,2025 to Friday, December 28, 2025.